About Us

We Know What We Are

VMAS ASIA (INDIA) We initially started with 3 people onboard with a simple idea of getting an semi global Over-the-top platform in India. These took 2 years to get this Idea into a proper conceptual stage (from 2018 to 2020).  It was November 2020 where VMAS ASIA (INDIA) reopen its Office after Covid19 Lockout 1st phase. with almost initial 7 number of employees.  IN spite of setback , the team was enthusiastic and very much positive. And even after the warnings of market setback and restrictions for Covid19, the Delhi team of VMAS ASIA (INDIA) took brave step of Launching its first ever regional (SVoD) OTT Platform ‘VMAS MARATHI’ on 11th March 2021 at the Cultural Capital of Maharashtra ‘ PUNE’ in an iconic venue of JW MARRIOT – PUNE.

Its  Since then, the team never looked back and we are getting successful day -by-day  conquering and reaching the goal with focus & dedication.

Now VMAS MARATHI is an established (SVoD) OTT  Platform present in 183 countries globally and we are set to launch  ‘VMAS GUJARATI’ (SVoD) with more than double the  strength, enthusiasm and focus strategy. Further there are few more regionals coming up to make mark in market.

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With Corporate subscription ‘V-Connect’  subscribers will be delighted with awesome accessibilities.

(Feature Coming Soon)

Regional to Global

Our focus is to provide the best global platform for almost all regional contents with respect to vernacular. We are targeting to contribute good share of regional to global.

Franchise Module Based

VMAS ASIA is the only Franchise Module Based OTT & Satellite TV coming soon. To penetrate in the vernacular market at root level .

Video Streaming (SVoD) - India.

Revenue is projected to reach in 2023.


Revenue is expected to show an annual growth.

(CAGR 2023-2027) of 13.03%

User penetration will be in 2023


User penetration will be in 2027


The Indian OTT streaming video market is currently in its 2nd expansion phase and is projected to generate revenues of approximately $3 billion by the end of 2022. At present, this market captures 7-9% of the total revenue and share of India’s entertainment industry

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Revenue in the Video Streaming (SVoD) segment is projected to reach US$1.70bn in 2023

Coming More
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The Perfect Solution For Regional Content

The best Franchise based module makes the fare penetration in regional sector.

The Franchise being the dominant in region for Producing and Acquiring best content is the secret of good exclusive and entertaining bucket.

Solid variety of content choices:

We are committed to provide best content with various genres.

Variety of Entertainment choices:

Content including Fiction and Non Fiction crafted with uniqueness. 

Explore More

Coming Soon with diverse features.

Team is Our Strength

We are sincerely thankful to every team member and supervisors to make it possible bringing and achieving the set targets. 

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VMAS ASIA is set to start soon to began its journey to make an distinguish mark in media & entertainment industry. 


Regional Content Streamings

Content Distribution

App | Web | Digital TV

(+91) 11- 4113- 3669

© 2024 All Rights Reserved VMAS ASIA (INDIA)

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